Nupur’s Articles
I Surveyed 200+ Indian Villages! Busting 10 Myths On Rural India
As an NRI I was crazy about India and wished to see it inside out. After moving to India, I enrolled on surveying villages for the Madhya Pradesh elections (with Arthashatra org -- credits at end of article).
The goal is Jaati-Samikaran— find the caste breakdown of a district and push it into a statistical model to predict voting patterns.
How we did it-- We’d pick a constituency and drive the car literally into any village. Any village! We’d take any left turn. Any right turn. Whatever we felt. It was so liberating to see India that way. We never knew who we’d meet. Or what we’d see.
Transitioning Careers: The move from Engineer to Writing made me feel DUMB
How did the transition from engineering to writing make me feel? Pretty DUMB, I must admit. I talk about the struggle and how I overcame it.
Eating Out: It was this hard to eat out growing up middle class in the 80s/90s
This is a nostalgic relatable post for most Indians who grew up middle class
Why Do Indians Want To Move Abroad? This Survey Explains It All
Why do indians want to move abroad? Should they move abroad? How do they want to move? All these questions are answered in this survey!
Fear of Change: 9 ways for NRIs to overcome the fear of a big change
Big life changes like leaving a job, or a country, can be scary. I share 9 ways to overcome the fear of making big changes in your life
Immigrants Mental Health-- 4 Things American Corporates Can Do
What changes do corporates need to make for the mental health of immigrants, specifically NRIs? This post explores 4 major changes corporates can make to help.
Work Sabbatical-- Are you an NRI Looking for a Sabbatical from Work? Read This First.
Are you an NRI looking to take a break from office and can’t seem to do it? This post will help you figure things out.
Finding Indian Jobs-- Here are tricks for NRIs to land a job in India!
NRIs get this idea of moving to India while showering and get into a sudden panic about finding job, “I NEED JOB NOW!” and run out of the shower, still…
Homesick Student Abroad- Thinking about quitting? This is the only post you need to read.
I was crying uncontrollable tears during my first week as an MS student in the US. I had a cardboard box as a table because my flatmate tricked me into…
The NRI Lens- Problems With Viewing India From The Lens Of An NRI
Here's a question for NRIs: Where would you walk abroad? SidewalkRoad It's a no-brainer right. "Obviously Sidewalk. Like, DUHh". It's also the right thing to do. It's also the rule…
Expectations & Reality: 6 Realities NRIs Can Expect After Moving Back To India
NRIs seem to come with common expectations. I’ve seen it cross all the 400+ NRIs I have consulted and numerous surveys I have done— every NRI expects: bad work culture, to earn less, and be prepared for “in case things don’t workout”. Here are some surprises in store for you NRIs.
Why I Moved Back To India after 10+ Years in USA
Why did I move back from USA to India-- I talk about my journey from a successful immigrant to taking care of my happiness
Offsite Culture- The differences between work offsites in the US vs India for NRIs
Google had the custom of an annual, company-wide ski trip during spring. My first ski trip was to Vermont in…
Survey Results: Why or Why Aren't NRIs Returning To India
I did a survey of 500+ Indians to understand why they want to move to India, and if they really want to. Read on to find some shocking results, especially around moving back abroad after moving to India.
Social Life— It is difficult for NRIs to Make a Social Life In India
How do NRIS find a social life in India? Is it possible? The reality of it is here
8 Ways Single NRIs Can Cure Loneliness — The Only Article NRIs Need!
Loneliness is a crippling and under-explored problem of single NRI’s, so much, it needs HUGE PROBLEM to be written in caps. It makes NRIs cry, slip into depression, feel anxiety during trips, look needy, be on call with family at hours, and make friends with the “wrong” people.
Don’t Regret— Here are 7 Regrets ex-NRIs Have About Their Life Abroad
I took a survey of NRIs who have moved to India, about their regrets on things they could have done abroad and they didn’t— “If you were to return back abroad, what would you do differently?”. This is what they said.